
Try that! Thanks for getting this going as gaming and the OSR has been such a huge part of my life. I have noticed that the blogs have been slightly rekicking but this looks like something that's going to really grow.

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I knew you responded somewhere but couldnt refind it till now.

Look at Joe Bloch/Greyhawk Grognard's write up. I can recycle the intro to your channel weekly, and simply email me the video you wish to run with weekly to tenkarsDOTtavern at Gmail by end of day on Saturday for inclusion on sunday's newsletter.

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Try that! Thanks for getting this going as gaming and the OSR has been such a huge part of my life. I have noticed that the blogs have been slightly rekicking but this looks like something that's going to really grow.

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Ah crud I didn't see this until now!

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no worries! the aim is to add a channel per week or so, and we are close to that ;)

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